General Mtg held on 07April
May 3, 2024
Michael Kielty
Greetings All, This signal is an informal report on several important points made at the General Mtg held on 07April and does not take the place of formal Minutes (which will be attached in the usual manner to a Notice of May General Mtg). Please read on . . . . . . Points covered by this signal are: the outcomes of two Motions put to the April meeting, a proposed mid-year members' lunch and a note about challenge coins. The Motions: (which were discussed at many meetings since mid-2023) were to change the frequency and in particular the day 'pon which meetings will be held starting with May 2024. As previously discussed at length, objectives of the Motions were to maintain the current number of meetings per year whilst introducing variety into subSection activities. Both Motions were carried unanimously and changes applied from the end of that meeting: * Meetings to be held on 4th Sunday of each month (not the 1st Sunday as has been the practice) and will morph into a mix of 'formal' & 'informal' meetings with members kept informed of intentions of next meetings. * The number of 'formal' meetings ,ie, with Agenda, Minutes & Treasurer's Report be reduced from 11 times per year to four times per year as is allowed by NAA Constitution; these will be held each February, May, August and October (AGM date TBA); content of the seven 'informal' meetings will be determined by members and expected to include visiting speakers, online or live presentations, organised outings (especially to places of Naval significance) or social event(s). Please remember that these plans are new to us and actual outcomes will unfold over subsequent meetings; input from members is critical to the success of these new arrangements. * AGM date for 2025 is likely to be 23FEB25 and will be confirmed in September. This will be an election AGM and all Executive Committee positions will be declared open and nominations called for. A full list of responsibilities for key positions will be distributed before nominations are due. Proposed mid-Year Members Lunch: This will be a gathering aimed at promoting well-being, fostering team spirit and providing an opportunity to connect with fellow members and their partners. It has been previously determined that subSection funds will pay for this important event. * Venue already suggested is Merrylands RSL who have looked after us on a number of occasions without the drama we've experienced at Club Parramatta. Unless there are sufficient alternatives suggested, we can assume Merrylands Sage Restaurant is to be the venue. * Member feedback to date indicates a live target date of Sunday 23June. This is also the date of the new June informal meeting date. Please advise Hon Sec if this date does or does not work for you. If you can't make that date, please suggest an alternative. Remember that your partner and/or carer is also invited, so be sure to let Hon Sec know if you will be accompanied. * Date to be determined when sufficient responses have been collated. Hon Sec will hammer out a suitable date before sending that around for final comment/tweaking. Please don't wait longer than is necessary. Challenge Coins: This matter was also discussed at several meetings. Some coins were issued at April mtg, others sent by mail to those who were unable to attend the meeting but had pre-paid. Some members have asked for more coins; more are available - please let Hon Sec know if you are awaiting your ordered coin or how many extras you want. Price per coin remains at $5. Yours aye, MK Michael Kielty HONORARY SECRETARY 0421 314 429 Parramatta Memorial Sub Section Naval Association of Australia [email protected]
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