August 19, 2024
Michael Kielty
Greetings All,

As announced at previous meetings, a subSection Formal General Meeting will be held at Club Parramatta and via Zoom on Sunday 25 August 2024 commencing at 1030.

Please advise if you are unable to attend or if intend you to join us via Zoom.

Members will remember that the last Formal meeting was back in May. Yes, that was a while back and we don’t seem to have met much this year; here’s why: we changed from 11 formal meetings per year to a mix of formal and informal meetings and from the 1st Sun of the month to the 4th. The last of the 1st Sun meetings was scheduled for 07 April. Alas, this had to be cancelled when the Pres was unavailable (by arrangement) and then Hon Sec was seriously nobbled by Covid (which is nearly as bad as man-flu). We met for the May formal meeting with Rob G in the chair (RIP Rob); the 23 June meeting was the very brief meeting held at Merrylands RSL immediately before the mid-year lunch; July was an informal meeting with the first Guest Speaker. So – suddenly – it’s August and another meeting is upon us.

For unmentionable technical reasons, Minutes of the previous formal meeting held on 26 May are not yet available; these will be published as soon as they are available. Otherwise, they will be tabled at the meeting.

For those wishing to attend via Zoom, the following Link, Meeting ID and PassCode will apply for all 2024 Member meetings:

            Meeting ID: 899 2500 3023             Passcode: 040033


To join the meeting by phone:  02 8015 6011 and follow the prompts using the same Meeting ID and PassCode.


Meeting ID: 899 2500 3023       Passcode: 040033


Call me with any questions


Yours Aye,       MK

Michael Kielty


0421 314 429 

Parramatta Memorial Sub Section

Naval Association of Australia

[email protected]

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